What is rewilding and who theorized it
The term “rewilding” refers to the process of rebuilding a natural ecosystem, following human interference, so that, through the restoration of its natural processes and its original biological community, it becomes self-sustaining, self-sufficient, and resilient. Human management within the ecosystem should therefore be minimal, limited, for example, to the reintroduction of wild animals or the reopening of old water routes.
The concept emerged in the 1980s, but it was through an important study in 1998 by two American biologists, Michael Soulé and Reed Noss, that it was given a concrete scientific foundation, based on three fundamental characteristics, known as the ‘3Cs’: cores, which are highly protected natural reserve areas; corridors, which are large areas that allow wildlife movement and their search for food, connecting the cores, which typically are not large enough on their own; and carnivores, species whose importance in ecosystems was supported by several scientific studies, showing how major changes in ecosystems, such as species loss, were often caused by their disappearance.
The Example of Yellowstone National Park
An example of successful rewilding that highlighted the fascinating complexity of how ecosystem elements intertwine was the repopulation of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. Wolves had become extinct in Yellowstone by the 1930s due to indiscriminate hunting. One of the direct effects was a reduction in predation pressure on elk, whose population then increased significantly, leading to negative environmental effects: exceeding the park’s carrying capacity and a failure to migrate during winter, which in turn caused them to feed on willow plants, a winter food for beavers.
With the reintroduction of wolves in 1995, the entire chain of events reversed: elk began to move again, beavers resumed feeding on willow, and through building ponds, they had a positive impact on the hydrology of the waterways.
The Yellowstone case demonstrated how delicate and essential the ecological role of a single animal species in a specific area is for maintaining ecosystem balance.
Environmental and Social Benefits
The benefits of rebuilding a natural ecosystem are numerous and extend beyond the environmental sphere. Transforming natural ecosystems into truly functioning ecosystems, made up of a wide range of interconnected plants and animals, primarily enables the mitigation of the environmental crises affecting the planet, including biodiversity loss and climate change. Properly functioning ecosystems also ensure filtered air from trees and clean water.
In addition to the fundamental environmental benefits, important positive effects are also seen on the social front. Restoring lands and seas can create a thriving ecosystem of employment. Some examples include livestock management through naturalist guides, organizing community activities, and offering the possibility to visit the area to observe the rebounding wildlife, enjoying unique ecotourism experiences.
Rewilding in Brazil
In Brazil, several rewilding projects have been implemented, some promoted by the association Re:wild, and others carried out in the Santa Catarina region, where iconic species of the territory, such as the bird Amazona vinacea, have been reintroduced since 2010. Additionally, Amazônia, through the “Together We Plant the Future” project, has participated in the conservation and ecological restoration of the Amazon rainforest along the border between the Brazilian states of Maranhão and Pará, combining these environmental goals with the socioeconomic development of local communities.
Photos: Alberto Cambone, Roberto Isotti, Barry Cawston, Emiliano Mancuso, Sandro Santioli, Homo Ambiens Isotti